What's In The Boston Box?

DiStribution WEek #19

Every other week shares pick up on ODD numbered distribution weeks.

this is the box that will be available
at our
Boston Distributions on Thursday

Lettuce: We have still have lettuce in the field for fall harvest. You’ll be getting dark red leaf, a light red leaf or green leaf. This is probably the latest we have ever had lettuce and we’ll be protecting from the frosts so hopefully will have it a little longer.

Brussels tops: These are the tops of the Brussels sprouts plants that we remove to make the sprouts grow. Lucky us, because they are super tasty as a cooking green. This week please note there are some aphids here and there. They brush off quite easily , just give them a good soak and swish in water before preparing your tops.

Spinach: Some really nice bunched spinach this week! Great in a salad or an omelet! This spinach is especially succulent and tasty this week.

Carrots: The carrots are back and they are wonderfully sweet, crisp and tender. Great raw or cooked. Store them in the fridge wrapped in an air tight bag for best storage.

Yellow onions: More onions! Great for caramelizing or cooking however you need onions.

Broccolini: A new crop for us, we replaced our late fall broccoli plantings with it based on a tip from a farmer friend. Broccoli has grown increasingly difficult to grow due to the disease Alternaria becoming more and more pathogenic and harder to control in organic systems. However, broccolini is a more of a wild type cultivar and has some natural resistance to this disease. It gives a slightly looser head with long stems that is wonderfully sweet and tender. Use as you would broccoli.

Eggplant: The very last of our summer crops, we stripped the plants before the frost this week. These are cute and smaller but great roasted, or fried or cooked however you would like.

Parsley: Curly or flat. Great for garnishing just about anything and for flavoring soups and stews. Can also be dried for use all winter long.

Butternut squash: Everyone’s favorite fall vegetable (well, fruit technically). Easy to slice in half, scoop out the seeds and roast. Store these on your counter or pantry but not in your fridge (they don’t like the cold).

Purple top turnips: Great mashed or roasted (we had them in a roast today, delicious!) Store them wrapped in an airtight bag in our fridge and they will store for a long time.