Culinary Herbs
/We grow a wide variety of culinary herbs to spice up your cooking and enhance the flavors of your meals.
For most herbs, we eat the leaves. For herbs with woody stems such as basil, rosemary, thyme, and sage, pinch leaves off the stems before chopping. For more tender herbs such as cilantro and chives, you can chop the whole herb. Parsley stems are tender but have a very strong flavor so compost most of the stem and just use the leaves!
Using fresh and dried herbs can take your cooking to a whole new level! Experiment with different combinations of herbs and don’t forget to get creative with herb pestos!
It can be tricky to keep herbs fresh for many days after harvest, but read below for some tips to extend the life of your herbs:
Harvest and storage tips:
Cut sprigs of fresh herbs using scissors and the plant will continue to produce more!
DO NOT refrigerate basil, rosemary, sage, tarragon or thyme. Store on the counter with their cut ends in a cup of fresh water and change the water every day.
DO refrigerate chives, parsley, and cilantro. Store with cut ends in a cup of water with a plastic bag over their tops. Change the water every day.
Make your own dried herbs using a dehydrator, or you can use your oven on low with the door propped open for airflow. Or the easiest way is to hang them upside down in a dry, warm part of the house until leaves crumble at the touch.